“Tekken” is the most popular video game series since 1994. “Tekken 6” is the latest installment in its game series. The game category is arcade fighting games. Leo Kliesen (Leo Kliesen) is a well-known game character because he fights extremely well and carries out actions. Many people also played the role play role of “Tekken 6”. The Leo Kliesen jacket worn in the Tekken 6 video game is now a new trend. Leo Kliesen Tekken 6 jacket + vest is made of synthetic leather. It was specially designed based on the character of the original scorpion. This vest has a viscose lining, a shirt reverse, and an inside pocket. The brand combines red and white to give you a unique look in society.
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Leroy C Thomas
Liked it very much! Good looking jacket. Great value! ?
Love this jacket. Perfect fit and looks great too.
Phillip . Hatfield
Looks amazing an very comfortable
Neil R Berkowitz
very good quality the only problem is that the sizes run small as medium is small
I like the superb design provided all over this amazing motorcycle jacket
Really nice jacket, looks as real leather.
John B Crabtree
It’s good. the material is nice. Looks like genuine leather. The fit was a bit on the larger side for me
Same pic not bad quality is good